Monday, September 3, 2007


So, I finalized my side of the bridal party today =) My Maid of Honor is Erin Thode, and my two other Bridesmaids are Maggie Schatzberg and Riannon Talbot. We had a fun time today, because we went dress shopping! They all have their dresses now, so that's one thing that I can cross off of my list! Erin will be wearing a gold dress with black shoes, while Maggie and Rhiannon will wear plum colored dresses and gold shoes. Rhiannon purchased her shoes today as well. Now, we just have to find a dress for me! I was going to go shopping with my mom on Sunday, but everything was closed, so we didn't find much. I'm just glad I got something accomplished today!

(the picture has nothing to do with dresses, it's just the wedding colors =P)

1 comment:

Danny said...

awwww how cute :-D